7. Farmer's Monthly

Words to remember:

"One man's breakfast is another man's dinner and the farmer in Indonesia still makes a dollar a month". Doesn't that sentence just fill you with Pride? Not because what it tells us but how it's written, the Way it's written. I don't know about you but that sentence is amongst my better sentences ever and you can't wish for a better strike of genius 03:38 on a Sunday night, by God.

On a night like this there is no use in trying to force something, no, but instead just go with the Flow and you get that kind of magic out of it. It doesn't matter how many bars you visit or how many drugs, of any kind, you take in search of that special feeling; nothing beats the moment when That Sentence is born and you just know that you have to see it on paper or at least the screen of the computer.

The simplicity of the sentence entices me and lures me away from any kind of analyzing of what the sentence really means and what it tries to communicate with the reader. Since I'm the author of that sentence I should have a firm grasp on what the sentence means but do I? No. None whatsoever. At the moment that sentence formed in my mind it erased everything that created it, like a virus or something sinister. The sentence looked at it's Creator with the same look the dog catcher gives to a rabid dog that will be taken behind the house and put to sleep with a shotgun, yes, indeed I felt that look burning me, branding me forever. I will not escape that fact that I'm the father of that sentence; I'm the Father, Author and in the end I'm also its Prophet. I come with Great News; a Sentence has been born. A Sentence that will take its place as First amongst my Writings. By Jove, that is the proper spirit for it; Religion and Impending Doom.

Oh yes, I sure know how to Strike that Serious Note once in a while but I never play it too long. No, it's more like the subtle genius of Tchaikovsky where a hidden note can make your head to sour or when the slightest change alters your mood. Not that I compare myself with the Great Master, no, but what I do is hard to describe other ways. History will Judge me on that and find me too small and insignificant (with lower case letters) and leave me forgotten and gone. I take comfort in that; the fact that you will always be the Loser takes away a lot of pressure, ey?

But if there is something I would want the world to remember after I move on is the fact that I was the author and creator of that sentence. If nothing else that I do matters I place all my Hopes and Dreams on that one sentence and send it away through the eons of time and pray that it will one day find home again. For now it nests within me but tomorrow it's yours.

Oh, how I wish that nights like these could be more plentiful and my Cup would never be dry. One can wish for the stars and receive nothing but tonight I got a Shooting  Star. That's the ending for today/yesterday I was looking for.

"One man's breakfast is another man's dinner and the farmer in Indonesia still makes a dollar a month"

Dr. H.R.P.


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