4. Skipping School

The weather outside is sunny, I got coffee, a beer, cigarettes and everything you could ask for but still this paper isn't filled with words of mine. Why not? I don't know, it seems as something is missing, but what?

Yes, what can it be?

I'm back. I was outside at the mailbox and enjoyed my morning coffee and looked what was happening outside. Not much, just some woman taking out the trash and an airplane crossing the sky. The airplane got me thinking of old memories, or fake memories that is. I remembered the time I was riding with Colonel Diaz and the Drug Gang and our beat-up DC-3. We were coming to the end of our journey from Miami and landing on this mud and rock airfield in southern Colombia to get a new shipment.

Woops, now I'm talking bullshit again, let's leave that to the fictional writers, ey? Or at least the writers, how's that for a byline? Write it, tag it and send it.

They say a healthy breakfast is a good start to everyday and I agree even though I don't always follow that maxim. I wonder what the President eats for breakfast? By the way, are snails a breakfast dish and does the French eat that? Strange thoughts, move on.

Yes, as I stood outside with my coffee and Lucky Strike in the autumn sun I felt strangely wrong with my shorts, clogs and shirt; something just wasn't right. I hate knowing there is a problem but having no idea what the problem is or what the solution is. Or hate is a strong word; strongly dislike sounds better, ey? When you have that feeling there is only one solution and that is to get out of Dodge and fast. Yes siree, leave the town and head out for the outskirts, set up a command post and wait for the bastards to close in on you before you pull the trigger. That will make them jump but it won't hurt them, at least not that bad, no. The hurt is mental as the surprise leaves them severely jangled and disorganized. Maybe even some poor sucker it left disillusioned but that is harder to measure, at least in absolute numbers and words. Yes, if you follow my instructions you can sure have a lot of fun and make people feel unnerved. You can see it in their eyes, can't you?

Oh yes, we can. We have spent too much time outside society to not have grown smart and tough. Not in the counterculture though, they are part of the society in their own twisted way; they need it to function and vice versa. No, people like you and me have spent our lives in that very special and narrow limbo between the two. The real Outlaw Land where dreams come true and the bartender always smiles at you. Yes, where the drinks are complimentary but the ride costs more. Remember those words and you might find it when you stumble into that special alley on some dark night.

The Werewolf Society will be waiting there for you. Another soul to steal and grab and drag back to that Limbo. Don't be scared, we are normal in a disillusioned and paranormal way, yes. We offer no physical danger, we are a nice bunch, but protect your brain ‘cause we have been known to upset your state of being. Upsetting what you thought was Right and True and instead showing you a state of higher seeing. Does it sound weird? Maybe it does, but then again so do the Scottish and you don't hate them, do you?

What the hell is happening to this country, this world? It is way too early to write this subversive text and way too late to can the whole mess. No cleaning lady to do my dirty work; I got to use the shovel myself, no broom required. There's a mess on every citizens table but my table is bigger. Wise words that my uncle left with me. Well, maybe not my uncle but let us be romantic and say I speak the truth today.

How long Lord must we suffer at the hands of these brutal pigs? How long, oh Lord, how long? A long time indeed it seems like. Let us just hope that the New Dumb crumble and fall before we do. With the expertise I have in this area it will be a tight race; the winner is not known beforehand. We have to put all our eggs in one basket and fight.

I'll leave you with those words for now.

"Remember that they flogged You too"

Dr. H.R.P.


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