Charlie the Factoryman

The guys at the factory, that's where Charlie works, are talking. A lot. Charlie's work has suffered lately, not only because of the fact that he's always hung-over but also because Charlie's heart is not in it anymore. Charlie is tired of standing at his machine and doing the same thing, over and over, working the same hours, the same shift and merely surviving.

Charlie's friends know nothing of why this is happening to him and Charlie tells nothing. They don't ask since Charlie has always kept to himself; that's how Charlie is. Charlie knows his reasons; why he drinks and why he looses interest in factory work.

Charlie's an artist, a writer, or he could have been but he never could afford it. He had little money for college, he had no money for freelancing and he couldn't not afford courage. But Charlie is content; after all we all need to survive, even if Charlie now destroys himself slowly. But the factory is where he'll stay, he has to. Charlie thinks of the road not taken; bottoms up, Charlie.


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