Vad har jag gjort under lovet - Del 2

Far away from home and familiar faces
I find myself thinking back to a place
Where living was easy and I knew
Knew the Flower of the North
Softly and tenderly I still whisper her name
X, beautiful gal I left behind

When the moon shines bright and nights lies still
I look at the moon and wonder
Wonder if you're watching the moon with me
Wondering how it'd be to watch it together
Not separated by miles of distant land
To hold your hand and whisper words of love
X, lovely gal I left behind

Sometimes my lonely apartment can't hold me
I leave the place and head for open ground
Take a long walk to have a chance
A chance to survive this mental prison
The prison my heart built for me with out you
X, future bright I left behind

Now I know what my heart has said to me for long
It has said that I've already found love
I don't got it but still it warms me enough
I'm content with the happiness I already got
Come tomorrow and I'll see you once again
X, my only Gal I left behind


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