Politics is a King-Bitch (Part of Raven Chronicles)
Politics is a King-Bitch
”Mangled bodies tell no tales.”
The definition of politics is an interesting and worthwhile attempt to make sense of something highly abstract and rotten which is why the definition is utterly useless. Don’t get me wrong, there are certainly some politicians and ideologies out there that actually make sense and in some way or other works for the common good but politics in general and a as fundamental concept for survival and advancement has lost it interest as well as its fang. What we need is revolution and fast or else we will get caught in a “Huxlian” world where everyone is led to believe that everything is perfect and mindless entertainment as well as drugs further enlightens this “fact.”
But where am I going with this, have I recently been screwed by a politician? Well, no, not in a definite way but there is something in the air. It’s almost like the first taste of midnight bourbon as the crowd tunes in to listen to the old telling of a backwoods story. If you never been in one of those crowds then you can’t know what I’m talking about but if you have, like me, then you know what it is; the anticipation, the fear, the laughter.
That’s how it is with politics; once you get heavily into it there is no turning back. Your ear is to the ground all the time and everywhere you see signs of backstabbing, thieving and brutal rapes. Your life is reduced down to polling numbers and the actions of your local politician become second nature for you. Instead of looking at yourself you inject the venom straight into you and read and read and read.
Something is badly wrong today. You can’t put your finger on it but there is this lingering thought inside of you that keeps gnawing on parts of your brain, releasing your own chemicals into your body as soldiers in a warzone; take no prisoners, tell no one of your mission. I watch TV at Christmas, sometimes during the summer and if a friend I’m visiting has the TV on. Watching it only enhances the feeling of wrongness and instills me with a deep and savage fear. Wouldn’t it be sheer terror if I was alone in this world, eh? Terror and somehow Invigorating; two words I like to keep close to my vest. The TV shows the same world I saw about three years ago when I left it but somehow it seems so different.
Was it I or the world that changed? Was it I who failed TV or did TV fail me? The universal truth in the phrase “Phanta Rei” (everything flows) by Heraclitus still rings true. We acknowledge it with our lips but deny it with our actions. Everything changes and nothing remains still. But if we assume I changed then why didn’t TV change? Why didn’t politics change? Why didn’t you change?
As you see the Greek already knew this and they never had media in the same way we do, eh? Still, they knew that something is wrong, has been wrong and will be wrong. It was never a majority, I’m still not convinced it is even though the symptoms can be seen as clear as leprosy, and the minority always made sure it never spread. Maybe it has to do with the logic that not all need to suffer when only a few can handle the pain? But then again pain is artificial for some and they have learned, not only to live with it, but even to use it for their own benefit. Pain and Politics go hand in hand; the more pain you can endure the better a politician you are and vice versa.
Everything changes, nothing remains the same. A fundamental truth if you are sure you’re the majority and keep the same pace as the one next to you in the Line for Salvation. Abstracts sure are fun, eh? They say that a single TOW missile costs $180k.
So long,
Henry Ray Porter