Report from the National Affairs Desk

Soon, oh yes. Soon the beast will descend to the watering hole. Beast walking on two legs, savages really, ready for excess as it was meant to be. At the watering hole the savage crawler waits and stalks its pray. The innocent grasseater sees the danger too late and in a swirl of energy and surprise the unfortunate gnu is dragged from the shore and into the muddy water; home of the Unforgivers.


Tydligen tycker Du denna text passar på mig

Särskilt raderna i svart då. Tack (?)

Lift off!

He worked hard all year,
just wanted a few weeks alone.
Well his old lady's into modeling
she can't get away from the phone.
Besides she bitches about the mosquitoes.
She says down there there is nothing to do.
Her god damn phone never stops ringing.
She'll try the service in a day maybe two.

Well he's on his third drink
before the wheels of the plane leave the ground.

Making points with the stewardess
high over Long Island Sound.
She's also spending some time on the island.
Too much city madness gives her the blues.
They make a date to go dancing and dining.
It seems neither has that much to lose.

The weather is here, I wish you were beautiful.
My thoughts aren't too clear, but don't run away.
My girlfiend's a bore, my job is too dutiful.
Hell, nobody's perfect would you like to play?
I feel together today.

Well now that's the just the start
of a well deserved over-due binge.

Meanwhile back in the city
certain people are starting to cringe.
His lawyers are calling his parents,
his girlfriend doesn't know what to think.
His partners are studing their options.
He's just singing and ordering drinks.

The weather is here, I wish you were beautiful.
The skies are too clear, life's so easy today.
The beer is too cold, the daquiri's too fruitiful.
There's no place like home when you're this far away,
I don't care what they say.

He's going back to New York,
pack it up and let everyone know.
It was something that he should have done
such a long time ago.
Still time to start a new life in the palm trees,
oh Billy Clyde wasn't insane.
And if it doesn't work out
there'll never be any doubt
that the pleasure was worth all the pain.

The weather is here I wish you were beautiful.
The skies are too clear, life's so easy today.
The beer is too cold, the daquiri's too fruitiful.
There's no place like home when you're this far away.

I need time for to play

Ni skulle se mig nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

Oddly Motivated...

Inte mycket att Läsa

Tentor, artiklar, krönikor, fester, skönlitteratur och en hel del annat måste göras. Sedan längtar man hem förstås.

LE och "Gröna Skivan"; Guld värda. 20G med.

So long,

Dr. H.R.P.

We are all Freaks

When you're an outlaw you will have to learn to live on the margins of society. You taught me that, you sure did, and boy, you were right. I didn't truly believe or even understood your words until today. Today I know what it means being an outlaw, living on the margins of society; just like you said.

Outlaws are the only pure breed of beasts left; by choice as well as because of what people make us. Outlaws of old and of movies are romanticized but not the real ones. Fuck no, we will never antiheroes; we will never be worth of mention. We will be ridiculed, laughed at, amazed and made into geeks and freaks of nature.

Oh yes, you know when it hits you; that day when you finally understand that you're the freak everyone stays clear off. You're that Outlaw. An outlaw, outside society, looking in. I used to think that I was inside, most outlaws do at first, but then The Day comes. How many mothers have not cried hearing those words from their son or daughter; "ma, I think I'm an outlaw. A freak". It sure ain't easy to hear, many families have been broken apart that way.

How's that for sinister and dark stuff, ey? No better way to scare people off than by talking about broken families, tears and Freaks. I know how it works, I do it daily. But then again; I'm only another Freak in the Freak Kingdom. Where all are freaks the King-Freak rules.


Le Petit, 07:14 PM, 9/11

Återigen två dagar att skriva om, fasens. Men skyller på omständigheter utanför min kontroll. Nog med lögner nu.

Igår, lördag, började dagen med frukost igen; gott. Sedan tillbaka till rummet för att vila och kolla TV. Vi kollade på Disney Channel och serien Hannah Montana. Kalla mig korkad och barnslig men den serien är seriöst rolig. Dem hade ett maraton med det och Helen och jag tyckte att glass behövdes så vi gick och hämta det och fortsatte kolla, hehe.
Senare blev det dags för middag vilket vi åt på Sunset Strip som är ett rätt så dyrt och fint ställe vad jag förstår. Vi gick till en restaurang somn locka just oss två med gratis dessert. Jag har sagt det tidigare; gratis är gratis, hehe. Jag åt lasagne med rostade äggplantor och lammragu; inte för att jag vet vad det är, haha. Helen åt skotsk lax på något grönt. Till efterrätt blev en mycket utsökt sorbet.
Sedan till "min" liquor store, vart jag nog är igenkänd, hehe, och dags för mera öl; Helen ville ut och jag säger inte nej till ett par järn.
Rätt så rolig kväll när man lyssnar och kollar på folk som inte tror vi fattar engelska, haha. Helen fick även en fin komplimang av två asiatiska killar.
Efter klubben for vi på en närliggande pizzeria där vi åt väl. Gott med fyllemat. Efter detta så for vi till hotellet för välförtjänt sömn.

Denna dag började med frukost, igen, och gårdagens nya och yngre servitör vart uppe igen. Åt mera hälsosamt idag, vet inte varför, kanske för att slippa Helens kommentarer, haha.
Efter frukosten så blev det återigen buss till Venice Beach för att kolla affärer och stånd på nytt. Både vi köpte lite souvenirer åt nära och kära hemma.
Jag hitta även en enkel svart kepa med "White Trash" i vitt tryck. Classy, hehe. Säljaren tyckte det vart roligt; såg verkligen ut som white trash idag, haha.
Tillbaka med bussen, snabbvisit på rummet och sedan ut på middag på ett ställe jag valde; stora stekar till ett bra pris, hehe. Sedan, återigen, till liquour store:n för mera öl och whiskey för Helen och jag ska ut och se om vi inte hittar amerikanerna, Madison och Terrance, igen. Dem skulle kanske ut idag.
Så därför skriver jag detta samtidigt som jag påbörjat en ny flaska Wild Turkey. Avnjutes lätt ljummen.

So long

Till Anonym och er andra:

Lägger upp en till USA-del imorgon, tror jag. Varför dem inte kommit?

Well, I've been feeling a little ill and that has cut my back my sleeping hours even more. That results in being awake at night, obviously, and as the Last Adventurer I have ventured out and IGNORED my OWN advice; the Wild Boar stalks ONLY at night. Alas, I ignored that piece of advice and it/he/she got me.

Yes, yours truly have been one of the latest victims of that Wild Boar. The meeting left me jangled and a fractured sternum, the strange disappearance of my left small toe as well as a strange rash all over my back. Ye Gods... It has gone on too long.

So long,

Dr. H.R.P.

And Tom Waits sang:

Oh, take care of all of my children
Don't let 'em wander and roam
Oh, take care of all of my children
For I don't know when I'm comin' back home

You can put all of my possessions here in Jesus' name
Nail a sign on the door
Bright and early Sunday morning with my walking cane
I'm going up to see my Lord

Oh, keep them together at the sundown
Safe from the Devil's hand
You gotta make them a pillow on the hard ground
I'll be goin' up to Beulah land

You can put all of my possessions here in Jesus' name
And nail a sign on the door
Bright and early Sunday morning with my walking cane
I'm going up to see my Lord

Oh remember you never trust the Devil
Stay clear of Lucifer's hand
Oh and don't let 'em wander in the meadow
Or you'll wind up in the fryin' pan

You can put all of my possessions here in Jesus' name
And nail a sign on the door
Bright and early Sunday morning with my walking cane
I'm going up to see my Lord

Put all of my possessions here in Jesus' name
And nail a sign on the door
Bright and early Sunday morning with my walking cane
I'm going up to see my Lord

Dr. Johnson:

"He who makes a Beast of Himself gets rid of the Pain of being a Man"

Sorry 20G

I wonder where it all went wrong; that pivotal point in history when the wave broke and never kept rolling? Maybe scholars will know some day but I doubt it. When my name is written in to the great Book I will go down like one of the Immature Looser of our Time. But that is fine with me, we learn to accept our faith. Sink or swim, do or die.

Let them say that I knew nothing of my good side but that I fought to the end.

Courtesy of mistah Dylan:

"When ya ain't got nothing, ya got nothing to lose."

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