News from RCP - 29/7

The "Poll of Polls" (National Average) shows (sn)Obama leading with 3.2 points; down from 6.0 points last week. Looks like Obamas Middle East/Europe trip did him no good; maybe even bad. That makes me happy; the U.S. and the world doesn't need a unexperienced liar and flip-flopper like Obama. Only reason why he is in the race is because he was first pampered by the press in the primaries with Hillary and now he has been declared the official God of the MSM; ye gods.

Well, we'll see how the winds blow in November, oh yes, we will. Remember Obama; November can be really cold for you, no friends left, ey? Run for President? More like run for cover; the Dogs of War have been let loose on you know.

Hardly working (?),

Dr. H.R.P.


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